Tyrone is here to give you a helping hand
I went to a Circuit City a year ago because I needed a circuit breaker. When I couldn’t find where they are, I asked an employee and he said they don’t carry them… They don’t carry…circuit breakers… They’re an entire god damn CITY…of circuits… and they don’t sell breakers for them… ya. ok. DIE.
I put a voodoo curse of failure on that employee on my way out and considered it to have done its job when he got in a car accident on the way home and died, but little did I know that my power would spread a slow poison into the rest of the company and rot it to an ultimate collapse.
Good riddance. Circuit City is my Feminine Mikey of retailers: I loved them to death and they disappointed, were apathetic and ultimately stabbed me in the back in the end, giving me no choice but to hope their death is painful and that crows eat their slowly decaying flesh before they completely lose consciousness as the Reaper harvests their souls.
Jessica didn’t quite understand what gesture she was supposed to be making
Growing up on Long Island, Circuit City was the electronics store. Welcome to Circuit City, where service is state of the art sang the cool but inviting jingle. And their stores looked awesome cuz, as the commercial shows: It’s a giant plug (which is what I used to think “outlet” stores were at the time). I was furious when they changed their image to that round logo crap and chucked the plug look. That alone should have been enough to hate the company, but instead I let their every other foul up push me to the brink.
I hate change. I want Circuit City to stay around forever if only for the reason that it’s been around forever (60 years), but when you have customers that WANT so badly to support you and you just make it impossible for them by having crappy customer service, wedontgiveafuck prices [ie: noncompetitive], and you dont. even. sell. god.damn CIRCUIT breakers… you need to go.
At least a graceful exit, somewhat making up for their wrongs is in order though, right? Ya. about that…. Circus Shitty’s blowout liquidation super sales prices are exactly the same, or marked HIGHER than before they went out of business.
So goodbye Circuit City… I’ll miss you always. even though I hate you for failing me…
PS: The file names on the 2 Circuit City employee pics I put in this post were “Tyrone.jpg” and “Jessica.jpg”. I thought you should know that… I thought you should all.. know that. The images appear on their online employee application page, which is the only web precessance of theirs that exists anymore, alledgedly to hire temporary workers to get them through the liquidation. The images are warm and inviting and not at all awkward as hell and let the viewer know that “see? we hire negros AND females!”. Tolerance patronizing jerks. Another reason they deserve to be out on the street selling pencils and not within a business NOT selling circuit breakers.
Circuit breakers?? You didn’t try Home Depot first or drive out into the countryside to find a Super Walmart. Its true their prices could be ridiculous at times, but my store in Maryland had some of the best customer service I’d seen. I hope we get a Best Buy in the new strip mall my town is getting. But watch how things are going to suck because Best Buy has no competition. The ma bell of the plasma screen has arrived!