Over the last 5 years these realtime video filters have been progressing and it won’t be too long before they are indistinguishable from reality. This one looked better in real time but now that I take some stills from the SnapChat I just did in the sauna it isn’t quite as solid. I guess the more impressive part is that it hugs your face and gets the contours right in real time.

And the parts that it doesn’t get so-right like the sunglass stems fading into nothingness and the earring floating in air and the beard flap peeling off like a bad sticker – are all forgiven by the stuff it DOES get right. The angle of the sunglasses reflection changing with the movement is cool. Adding an effect to your eyeball when you look over the glasses is a nice touch. And I’m only now realizing that it smooths out the skin tone too. When I was live-posing I just thought I looked that good but now here in the stills it’s obvious that the skin is airbrushed. It must be lightening my head hair too, cuz it normally looks a lot closer to the filters facial hair color than this platinum gray sheer it has.

I wonder if they’ll be able to figure out deleting errant hairs of a real beard under a fake beard lens so us beard-havers can still cosplay with different types and not be… well, as obvious as this is.

The future is weird and creepy and awesome and fun.
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