Just make up a time & date that you wish I wrote this and fill it in
NO – I haven’t died. Dry those eyes. I’m only dead on the inside. No no, it’s all just a temporary technical problem that I’m too lazy to fix right away…or for the last month (EDIT: ok – For the last 2 months…sue me). For some reason my file transfer program (the thingy us web people use to update our sites) isn’t working. I can’t log in to update anything so nothing’s getting updated. Well, online anyway. It’s that same page I put up before going on vacation like 9 years ago. Oh well. Wut you gonna do? You wanna fight about it? That’s what I thought. Sit yo ass down sucka. (EDIT: I just got off the phone with my tech guy and WOW was it a simple problem. I’m a dumbass and I apologize to…no one).
JJ Hawk man from RWN had a clever quote about the degenerating nature of his site, and that bastard updates like 3 times a day. Boo hoo if its not up to speed for 14 hours. Oh well, that shouldn’t stop me from stealing it and claiming it as my own in saying: If Richardland was a house, the grass would be waste high, the roof would have a tree on top of it, and there would be a rabbit boiling on the stove with a note written in blood that said “no one dumps me” beside of it. I don’t really understand the rabbit part, but I also don’t understand lime Jell-o and I eat/bathe in it anyway, so what the hell.
I’ve been getting a hundred e-mails a second telling me to update and didn’t respond to any of them (except that one I responded to. but not the rest).
Just so you know…that’s what happened… Here are some happy fun puppy links that contain no partially hydrogenated oils (and no happiness, fun or puppies):
[links outdated and removed]
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