Last night could have ended much differently

I got home pretty early last night after Los Angeles taught me that people actually snort Aderall. lovely. but i wasn’t interested. so I settled back into the batcave at around 11 and started feeling light and fluffy like i had consumed more than just the juice i was aware of.

I went to bed feeling really buzzed and woke up late feeling groggy. had 0% alcohol or other substance the night before.. dude.. I know its probably a self-fixation thing buuuuut on the other hand i think i for real maybe had something slipped in my drink. makes me wonder what kind of meat hook i’d be on right now if I didn’t go home early.

rats. now i’ll NEVER know. *kicks dirt*

Just kidding. That felt like the button to end this on, cuz lol, but – ew. This sort of thing is less funny when it’s not someone else. Now I want to go out with a team of ready-to-be-drugged volunteers who will be monitored by my crew in a surveillance van to catch-a-predator bust the people trying this. Actually, why hasn’t anyone done that yet?

About richard