Skipped lunch so i could let the hunger build for a big fat steak dinner…
mm, thats right stomach… beg me for sustenance.. BEG for it… oh, growing weak? how about a little JOG before dinner, hmm? yes, i think so… we can stop when the Nike iPhone app in my shoe says we’ve gone 1 mile; and NOT before… only then will there be the nutrition you crave. You must suffer to earn a reward. There are no free lunches and no free steak dinners. Only pain and exhaustion and – okay, well, then the reward stuff – but the point is that it’s only after you show us that you don’t NEED it, you dig? You smell what I’m cookin son? Mmm. Cooking. But no. Exercising. Eating is for losers. At least before doing stuff it is.
(you gotta show your body who’s boss or it will just make you its bitch).
UPDATE: 1 pound of rare cow, 2 baked potatoes, 1 salad, 2 wine goblets of orange juice and one bowl of Richards Heaven Dessert Stew (slice of angelfood cake mashed up in Neapolitan ice cream) later – ayyund *i* am ready for a fkkn epsom salt and baking soda bath while i check emails on my iPad and later listen to Pandora through that very same matha fakkannn iPad thankyouverymuch boy-eeee.
Word to your mother.

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