Good golly does my friggin ear hurt. It feels like there’s a pain bubble with a heartbeat stuck right near the hole, close enough that I can poke it with a cue-tip. which I did. except not really. I must have just been poking swollen tissue since according to your precious “science”, nothing fun goes on in the ear canal. no, ear infections are a build up of fluid that gets clogged in the cave behind your ear drum and before the garden snail in your brain.
The last time I had an ear infection, I was 3 and really pissed that we weren’t leaving the San Diego Zoo IMMEDIATELY to tend to my injury (though in hindsight, those baby pandas were worth the detour).
How could this have happened? It just started hurting today, making the only thing I can think of as a reasonable culprit be when I stuck my head under the bath faucet to douse the flames my fever riddled face was suffering. but thats stupid. I would have had to have funneled water directly into my head for that to be the cause.
It was probably those filthy dirt-babies Matt & Kylie back in California before I left. they got me sick. they probably also infected the pool water, allowing it acid like strength in attacking my immune system. It was probably that plus the plane ride from CA to Texas that bubbled and boiled the bacteria water all up in my head to bring it to a nice infected boil – cuz congestion in a plane btw? nothing to sneeze at.
I asked my mom if my brain was going to start Jiffy-Popping blood vessels because of the altitude since it was already painful to go 2 inches underwater the day before we left CA, and she said no, it would be fine cuz the plane is pressurized. My aunt chimed in like she knew wtf she was talking about and was all “ya. pressurized. it’ll be fine”. Ya, well pressurize my ass ladies, cuz take-off and landing was a snap-crackle-fuck in the head. My ears felt so full and uncomfortable when we landed in Tex that I tried sticking my finger in the hole and bent it back out to create suction and unclog the stuffed feeling with a plunger effect. BAD idea. Christ, it felt like someone stuck a letter opener up their butt and then stabbed me in the head (cuz you kindov have a gooey, dirty feeling after the sharp pain).
Dirty kid superwater plus plane boiling must be it, cuz I’m a fish and I’ve never had this “swimmers ear” bullshit I’m always hearing about and the second possibility is… is just too horrifying to even contemplate…
The only other possibility would mean that..Chris Wheeler was right about his stupid “read this somewhere so now I’m Dr Drew all of a sudden” preachings I talked about yesterday.
His latest dictation was passed when I was unfortunate enough to fall ill at his moms house this past December and was plowing through the tissues with my snot-oxen. Wheeler tells me blowing your nose is bad for you. Whatthefrig? He claimed to have read that nose blowing only messes your stuff up and re-infects you and that your body produces snot for a reason so you have to just leave it alone and let it ooze naturally. I don’t often see him blow when he’s snotty, true, but instead he does something way more gross and wtf-ish and heavily sucks his nose lodgings back into himself with a long strong snort.
However… my snot is currently yellow and my ear hurts like hell. signs of infections… oh god.. what if? – NO. that’s stupid. I’m saying stupid things cuz I’m sick. I need to get better… then everything will be better…
It is very relevant that your children will have whatever immunization they need in order to combat any illnesses.