Doug premiered in 1991 (a year that I was alive in) on Nickelodeon and people on the internet are noting that he is turning 30 years old this year.
Except – one wrinkle to this little Dougaversary: He was 11 in 91 tho so – If the calculator on my phone is correct then that would make him *checks* – older.
But is that really accurate tho? Did Doug have a life up until we met him? Or are cartoons born the age that we join them at? I think probably that. Their universes’ Big Bang is their pilot episode and all their memories and histories come preloaded at that birthing.
That’s my theory anyway but what I’m certain about is that he’s been puttin the Mayonnaise in Patty for at least a decade and I couldn’t be happier for the guy.

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