I forgot why I originally went down this rabbit hole, but I can’t turn back now. Something somewhere somehow reminded me on a scene from a specific episode of Punky Brewster where she tries oysters at a wealthy families house and it’s hard to locate.
Punky Brewster was a tv show in the 80s and it’s the first and last name of the main character. If you think it’s a weird name then have a confused giggle over knowing that the actress who played Punky is named Soleil Moon Frye (her name is pronounced “So-lay”). Punky is a spunky little orphan Annie type who gets taken in by an old man with a blustery vaguely British accent who foster parents her and melts his blustery heart in one of those “who rescued who” type dynamics.
For some reason, Punky finds herself in a rich persons house – which, in the real life 1980s was “has a large screen tv and carpet in their 3 bathrooms”, but in the sitcom tv 1980s was more like Buckingham Palace. She of course is expected to know the dining etiquette formalities like what a finger bowl is and which fork is for salad, dinner, and blood sacrifice or whatever and of course hilarity ensues as she tries to figure it out. One of those mishaps involves oysters that I particularly remember being terrifying as a kid, thinking that I would going to find myself in a similar situation and 1- have to eat an oyster, and 2- be expected to know how to eat an oyster. So it pretty much played out like a horror flick to me.
Some show I watched had some kind of similar scene that reminded me of it, and even though literally no one cares, since my way of being seen in some small way is communicating these memories – I went on a hunt to show Charmander the episode. Except for some reason – the Government doesn’t WANT you to find it…
NBC.com claims that it’s Episode 6 of Season 3:

But, the NBC owned streaming service Peacock which redundantly hosts the series as well has it listed as episode 12 of season 3:

WAKE UP, AMERICA. They’re BOTH lying to you.
It’s actually Season 2, episode 20.
And ALSO, it’s not that episode. lol. My bad. I’m having a hard time finding this thing.

The premise of the one I’m thinking of is more fitting of the title My Fair Punky
Also in looking for which one it is, I found this blog that references it:
The cocktail sauce helped. (I couldn’t help but remember the Punky Brewster episode where she’s adopted by really rich people and, in an attempt to eat an oyster, it slips down her shirt. Is it any coincidence that years later, Soleil Moon Frye had breast reduction surgery? Oysters are like breast fertilizer. No wonder they’re an aphordisiac.)
The blog author misspelled that word as “aPHORdisiac” instead of “aPHROdisiac” (whats a disiac phor anyway, amirite?) but the worst part of it all is that now I’m bored and don’t want to locate it anymore AND I don’t remember the original intention enough to justify any of this, so here we are: a meaningless existence full of fruitless efforts just running out the clock until we die. Welcome to Life.
Oyster vey. What a Brewster.
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