This is a post for history to mark the uptick in commonality of a method of self photography I started and endured oppression for only to have it now rise in mainstream acceptance, I believe due to the Twilight films. The method is basically “take a photo of yourself in a way you wish an experienced photographer would” but is more commonly known to the public as a “look like a self important douche” technique. I don’t care though and I encourage everyone to take photos like they’re brooding vampires as depicted in the Mormon abstinence allegory movie that is popular right now.
One such hero in our movement is covered here for your review. I commented on a sterling example of this technique that he posted on Facebook by saying that he was “showing the dudes from Twilight how it’s done” – thinking that the reference was an obvious complimentary point-out of the similarities and improvements over the modelesque blood sucker promo posters.
Of course I was wrong and it didn’t land… He asked what the pic had to do with vampires and I responded with the explanation:
“not vampires. the lame version of them that is in those movies that i never saw. every picture i see is always one of the dudes looking into the camera with his head turned into a light source as the rest of his head fades into the black background and he’s making that “im lookin at you in an ambiguous way that could be either ‘i wanna eat your heart’ or ‘i wanna love your heart’ and little girls get wet cuz they want it to be both but the guy is so “mysterious” that they can project whatever they want into the image just like all chicks do with guys anyway…. thats you right here.”
I tried to link to a picture but found out that Facebook now blocks certain image hosting sites (wtf) after I kept trying to comment it. They even went so far as to post my second comment with the colon presenting the link and delete/censor the link (!!) so I just looked like that much more of a dummy. Jerks.
Anyway: check out how right I am in all respects by peeping this trifecta of: -the image in question, -the Twilight reference, -and the need for all of us to follow suit and do this all the time and make it a standard.

You don’t have enough comments. This is an outrage!
Couldn’t be ANY better. ‘Less he was wearin black