I changed my Myspace display name to “Richard…(but you can call me Dick)“, because… my name is Richard; but people like to call me Dick. and they can…
Apparently that wasn’t the message I was perceived to have been sending. Somehow I stumbled into some international gay signaling?…

I’m guessing that these people are just searching for “dick” in a display name on Myspace and coming across my sexy azz and naturally wanting to get all up in that, but still. really guys. Gross.

Without any suggestion of sexual implication, the messages from dudes and chubby skanks came rolling in asking and commenting about my penis. Asking if they can see it, do things to it, or just anything about it about it at all, like its favorite romantic comedy or something – idk.
My grandfathers name was Dick and i’d like to live in a society where such a name is acceptable again. Notsomuch likely the way current treads are heading…
The messages came from mostly young guys too, which i dont know exactly what to take away from that factoid but the two screenshots posted here are from profiles that say their age is 16…
More depressing about this is that ive received messages from girls inquiring about my display name, showing no sign that they know that “Dick” is anything other than a penis.

One girl even messaged me admitting as such, asking why im letting people call me dick because “a dick is a thing. not a name”. I responded and asked if she knew what the name of our most recent former Vice President is and of course she said no. I sent her Dick Cheney’s Wikipedia and she still didn’t get it, asking me why i sent her a picture of “some old guy”… she didnt even notice there were words on the page…
How do people even get this stupid?
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