Ranked by most to least identifiable:

Funny. But I don’t regularly speed. Especially not over 70. even when tempting on long open highways like this.
2- “On my way” back to sleep…

I can totally understand and empathize with a Cuervo sippy car work day. I just don’t drink alcohol or coffee or use substances to detox from work or interactive experiences cuz I’m a humanoid robot in the model of some kind of perfect being the world has rarely seen, so of course I’m not gonna identify with a meme that is all “I’m so beat by work that I’m gonna suck alcohol from the bottle with a straw like its a fancy drink served in a coconut on the beach, y’all” type sentiment.
I do like this though because I feel like I would love this woman. Something about her body and facial posture just rings “tell it like it is” (which will probably be deemed racist some day as a “sassy woman of color” trope or something). What is on her wrist though? Thought it was a watch but it looks more like a blotch? Sun reflection? Vitiligo? Whatever.
Lying about being late

Everyone hides the shame of their tardiness with a fudge that they are closer than they are to a destination, but this goes too far because it implies that the person delivering the “on my way” assurance isn’t just stretching a truth as they hurry to leave but that their fraud is so great that they went right tf back to sleep. I take the bed comforter here to imply a symbolism that the “OMW” liar is visualizing them fulfilling their fake promise by assuring themselves they’re going as fast as they can but just need to “rest their eyes” or something.
I can’t support this. It’s funny, but not identifiable.
Paying for video game skins vs paying for girl-stuff

I only recently found out that people pay real life money to make their video game characters and tools look differently and indeed, that’s hard to understand, but so is putting nails on nails. So wait, maybe instead of not identifying with this, I identify too much because both are lulz-lame to me?
Hot Autumn

Cute, but I never jump the gun by putting on more clothes than is necessary. Also – leave Brittany alone.
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