I got about 11 hours of sleep for the entire week prior due to a resurgence of stress and catastrophe and was feeling deader than Amy Winehouse and looking like it as I struggled to maintain minimalist levels of Awesome just to scrape by.
Resting, reflecting, performing demon blood sacrifices, and back to pimping it up this week and 3 wildly validating things happened:
1- while walking to an ATM, got double-checked out by two hipster gentlemen in a super 80s “lower the sunglasses and go whoah” way (not the audience I hope for, but I take it);
2- whilst jogging today got honked and booted at by a Jeep of 4 young ladies and whom I’m assuming is their mom (now we’re talkin), and
3- got told by my 7 year old cousin Matthew that “no one wants to mess with me” because I’m “very athletic” and “have muscles like Tim Tebow” (children are never wrong).
I am now re-energized and pumped to do more amazinger things than ever.

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