I can’t lie to you guys. This actually happened last year. But I just found these pictures, remembering I meant to blog about it and never did. It’s an important subject that deserves proper attention here…
Last year, I lost someone special. They helped raise me and gave me countless memories that were key to my development and personality and it was difficult to let go. It’s hard to deal with death. Especially the death of a parent. It’s even more sad when you can see the decline in their life until one day they just… stop working. But does that mean they’re dead? Of course not. They live on, within you, and in what they have passed on through you, they have become in a sense, immortal. Until you die. then I guess they’re dead for real. but still…
It’s especially difficult when you disagree with letting them go and are overruled by other family members who are the ones who have the legal authority to say when to pull the plug. This is what happened to me, in my own Terri Schiavo saga, when my heartless mother and father had the nerve to ask me to take the old family tv out to the car to be shoved into the trunk and hauled away to some television chop shop.
I thought this was outrageous and unfair. If the TV told me to take either of them out to the trunk, I wouldn’t listen – so why should it be any different when my 2 biological parents do it? It’s not right and not fair. This Zenith tv delivered me from Muppet Babies to Ren & Stimpy and beyond. Disney movies to Sega Genesis games – Zenith was a friend when no one else wanted to hang out with that weird ass kid with the hyperactive personality.
R.I.P. Zenith: 1990 – 2007
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