I know that human beings are fragile creatures susceptible to many injuries and ailments that include viral infections that cause body weakening effects for which there is no cure but time – but also – I just feel like you’re a pathetic loser if you get sick. Cuz like – you’ve got basically two jobs as a living creature and that is 1- to stay alive and 2- only stay alive long enough to reproduce and then after that you’re basically useless to the universe of natural law and can go ahead and die (as far as the natural cycle system is concerned). And here I am with no kids and a sickness. Gross. Nothing makes me hate myself more than… well… more than a lot of things, but I started that sentence with “getting sick” being the top item I had in mind.
Viral Illness should befall a human lifespan once every 10 years – tops. If you have a genetic flaw or contract something like cancer or Lime disease then I don’t have any disdain for that but if you’re a sniffly vommity mess more than once per decade then you’re a weak blog that should be ashamed of themselves. Which is me right now. Idk how I got to this point. I think the last time I was virally sick was over 5 years ago, which is pretty good, but not good enough. So here I am shaming myself and I’m not exactly sure why because it’s not making me feel any better but I think maybe there’s an off chance that the sickness will just feel so humiliated by getting put on blast and will just slink out of town to attack a host body with a more shameless attitude toward getting sick. Either that or my immune system will get shamed into doing its job and kick it out, which now that I say it, should have been my first scenario rather than hoping to scold a virus into exiting. That’s not a thing. Viruses want to set up shop and, idk-what exactly. Just kill you? Who is that helping? Would the harmful lifeforms that comprise sickness to the human body be victorious if they kill you? That can’t be right. Dead bodies don’t have cold and flu viruses living in them, do they? They need warm bodies with mucus and snot and pumping blood to live, right? But I guess either way they gotta die – either by the host body dying or you, so they’d rather kill the host body and live longer than have the host body’s immune system kill it?
Actually – nevermind all that. I forgot my own rule of life that I started this entire topic on: living things’ only purpose is to survive long enough to reproduce. So a sickness isn’t trying to kill you – it wants you to spread it by sneezing on people and leaving its grubby little contaminate microscopic larva on door knobs and and subway handles n’shit so it can go to the next host and the next and the next. So every time you’re sick and you get someone else sick, you are letting the biological terrorists win. That’s legitimately terrible.
At least as terrible as Osmosis Jones. No one even knows what that movie is but I saw it in theaters. It was terrible.
I started this post with a premise of how silly it can be for human logic to misapply itself to natural parts of life but instead I really just confirmed my satirical premise and realized getting sick really IS a failing to humanity. We have symptom restrainers and ways to boost recovery but just the fact that you got sick in the first place kindov makes you a pieceofshit strictly speaking in the dispassionate collective eyes of the human race. To the whole planet when it comes to inter-species transferrable illnesses. Do they even have those from human to animal though? We get swine flu and bird flu and black plague from rats and “Lime” Disease (which is “Lyme”, not “lime” like the fruit, which I just realized I misspelled earlier in this post and am not going to go back and correct) from ticks and malaria from mosquitoes but what bugs or animals are we making sick with OUR sicknesses? I’ve never heard uh no human killing off vast numbers of wild deer from coughing on them. My dog doesn’t get sick when it chews on my used tissues in the garbage (gross). Wtf. Everything in nature is trying to kill us and the only ways we ever kill it back are through deforestation and pollution. That’s so lame.
Basically, we need to fight nature harder, stop getting sick, and conquer this blue marble spiraling down a big black toilet with a fireball in the middle, and stop letting “getting sick” get in the way of our pursuit of excellence.
I’m going to start by stopping my own sickness with a deadline of tomorrow. May I be your inspiration.
Update: Richard died later that night due to complications from viral infection.
Jk. That’d be funny though. For you, not for me.
The point is: if you get sick, you’re a loser and a failure and I hate myself.

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