Every time some one needs directions they tell me to “mapquest it”. Well you know what? Go to hell. I use Google Earth for all my directions.
I’ve never used Mapquest. I never will. I like Google Fkking Earth.
Deal with it. Its my lifestyle choice. I’m tired of being persecuted for it.
I like seeing the globe and zooming into the satellite photos. I like that I can save places. I like that I can twirl it around really quick without having to wait for it to load. And I like that when I punch in to and from directions, I can easily zoom in on certain parts of it real easy.
I also like that I can search for local stuff and then when it pops up on the map I can just click it as my destination. Can mapquest do that shit? Maybe it can. I have no idea. I’ve never fkking used it. You know why? Cuz I use fkking Google Earth. Deal with it.
Screw Mapquest, screw you, and screw society for putting this technological dilemma before me in the first place.
I also like cheeseburgers again. I didn’t for awhile, but I think they’re okay now.
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