The billionaire institutions of Facebook and other oligarchical corporate platforms don’t want you to know it – and they might flag this post or take it down but I am a patriot and I’m gonna fight for the truth no matter what so I’m gonna say it now and I’m gonna say it till I die:

Wake tf up, people. They grew longer tails for balance in the transition to being bipedal and developed a biological burrow for their young when they got too big to comfortably live underground and y’all just accepted it as a totally different animal just because some G’day Mate motherfkkers told you so.
Rise against the threat before it’s too late or doom yourself to a life of “aye toldja seow, Mate” haunting reminders in your down under labor camparoo. That might sound like a topic switch – from “roo’s r bunnies” to “roo’s r an existential threat to our civilization” but its all related.
Cats are curious. Weasels are duplicitous. Owls are college graduates. Foxes are street-smart-clever with an intellect operating outside of traditional nature-academia. and Rabbits are what?… *tricksters*. They didn’t get the gig working with magicians by accident – they work in the same field, they’re just not big enough to trick the world. YET. That’s why they played the biggest trick of all: sending themselves to an island continent where they could grow to man-size, train in combat, and take us over.
Think this is a joke? -Have you ever seen a kangaroo fight? They will fkk you up.

If grainy late 90s/early 00’s home recording footage of this unprovoked assault isn’t enough to strike fear into your balls because it’s just a dumb parrot or whatever, then think of this next time you think you’re safe in a field around a pond:

You just don’t get it, do you?
Ever hear of the illuminati?
Falling asleep with a bag of tortilla chips on your belly – and not even a flavored kind with with no salsa – just the plain ass chips.
They’re. All. Connected.
Ignore it at your own risk. We can’t afford to drop the ball on this one.

Kangaroos are rabbits, and the government is turning a blind eye to it instead of warning the world of a threat amassing right under our noses.
Still think this is a joke?
Do you think THIS is a fkking joke?:

Who’s laughing now?…
When the giant rabbit takeover comes for us, I will be ready.
Will roo?

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