I know you all know this, but I didn’t for most of my life… I only found out several years ago and still keep forgetting that the flavor in the wafers that comprise the center of a Butterfinger candy bar are PEANUT butter flavored – not “yellow stock of butter” flavored.
In my defense though, I had reasons for such an error, and frankly I think that assuming the candy flavor is butter based is more logical than thinking it is peanut butter. Consider the following:
The yellow packaging.

How u gun wrap yo candy in yellow and put “butter” in the name – add NO peanut logo or peanut imagery of any kind – and then expect me not to think butter-awn-bread butter? Girl, c’mon.
The inner shade
The color of the buttery – ‘scuse me – PEANUTbuttery inside is a burnt orange.
Peanut butter is BROWN.
So I thought the amber color of the inside was supposed to represent the mixture of butter and chocolate…
The Simpsons helped misled
The 1990’s commercials for Butterfingers featured Bart and Homer Simpson snatching the snack around. At the time it was a much talked about “OMG” moment in one of the episodes when Homer wraps a stick of butter in a waffle and eats it as a delectable snack. So of course I’m gonna think that Butterfingers – especially when Bart and Homer are their spokespeople – are similarly butter fashioned treats!

The marketing
(LOL, this one is 100% wrong and ruins my entire case)
I was about to complain that in addiiton to the packaging – they never warned us that it’s a peanut-related product!… but that’s a hilarious falsehood. Bro… wtf is wrong is wrong with you, Me? Their slogan in the 90s (when I formed this “butter flavored” assumption) was literally “crispity crunchity peanut buttery, Butterfinger”. So… yea. I’m way stupid for that one and this whole thing makes no sense
The texture
The flakes inside do not resemble peanut butter at all. They’re hard stacked wafers… which I just realized is probably supposed to be a candier “peanut brittle”, further destroying my case here that was already dead, but before I just realized that, I was going to say that the thin layers were more of a candied butter because they’re more like buttery sugar cookies than they are anything anywhere near the gooey oily peanut butter family. But yea – it’s definitely peanut brittle now that I realize. dammit.
Well anyway… Some of these are good reasons. So… there should probably BE a butter flavored candy bar. Screw u guys.
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