Obviously the color green is the most pleasing shade on the spectrum – day – common knowledge – we get it. But even the all-star team must have its least royal among the kings.
That worst-of-all-greens, is tiel:

…I’m not sure why we’re looking at this marina, but it actually shows a good depiction of the *best* green, which is that vibrant emerald-forest in the plantlife there. THAT is good green.
Evidently – Tiel is a town in the middle of the Netherlands (depicted above), and *evidentlier* – the color I was searching for is “teal” /also known as THIS bullcrap:

The above shades are fine colors – I ain’t hatin. Teal your dang brains out, if that’s your thing. Teal isn’t bad – My only point here is that it’s a bad shade of “green”.
Technically, I can’t legally say that it doesn’t count as a green, but iiiiiiiiit’s, like, the weakest shade possible. If you wore this color to a Green Party (a celebration of color – not the political hippies), I would be forced to make a citizens arrest and detain you until authorities took you to a court of greenery in where you would receive a sentence of not having “really” worn green, and just because that’s not currently illegal doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be.
Forest green is the green of all Greens. Forrest is those trees in that photo that I already called attention to but I still feel like *here* is the place where the lecture on this topic more naturally flows to that point better, but I have to leave in the earlier reference because if it feels unbalanced and wrong if I’m all like “look at this photo that is a shitty example of the color green u guyz” and then the photo actually has the best example of the color and I don’t even call attention to it. -That photo is in this post because I actually looked it up, by the way. I’m actually that stupid that I for-real did an image search for “tiel”, thinking I was going to get results of the color and then was genuinely weirded out and confused when a bunch of nordic villages populated my screen.
But the point isn’t how foolish I am for making an “I” before “E” except after “TEA” mistake that isn’t really a big deal – the point is how foolish and what a big deal it is for anyone to mistake teal for being an acceptable green. It isn’t. It’s not. It shouldn’t be. It isn’t not shouldn’t nopely double-negative-not-withstandingly be. And that’s final.
It’s basically an interloping blue trying to hang with the cool color kids (*let the record show I did NOT say “colored kids”). And no one can blame blue for trying to be a better color – it’s even downright admirable that it would wish to better itself that way. It’s just that blues and blue-greens can’t be called green or otherwise you dilute the greatness of green greens. And that’s not fair to blue or green, or to America or to Ireland, or to the first molecule of algae that first grew into existence on this steamy mildew rock in space we live on.
So show some respect, and keep Teal in its place. Away from Green.
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